About us


Created for the love of geography, environment and nature.

  1. To popularise geographical knowledge and thinking.
  2. To present different perspectives before the community through articles, stories, book reviews, commentaries, etc.
  3. To sensitise the youth about the significance of geography.
  4. To help UPSC aspirants in India for GS and Optional Geography and AP Human Geography Students with Multiple Choice (MCQs) and Free-Response questions
  5. To create and share fun-learn geography games.

Who writes articles and stories in this blog?

Yasmeen has more than eight years of experience in content creation and marketing. She is trained in psychology and loves to write about travel, geography, and environmental issues.

Fazal Firdausi is a Guest Writer/Author of the blog. He has 27 years of experience in teaching and learning geography. He is one of the best educators in political geography and geographical thought (perspectives in geography). He is also an UPSC Coach & Mentor, Digital Creator, Author and dad to a lovely autistic kid. He is extremely popular among school kids as a Quiz Master and teacher. He also has a strong interest in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Development Delays, methods, techniques and resources to remain resilient during testing times.